Preliminary Program

Monday, December 4th

08:00-08:30 Registration

08:30-08:40 Opening Session

Jorge Campos (UNIFACS)
Clodoveu A. Davis Jr. (UFMG)
Gilberto Ribeiro (INPE)

08:40-10:00 Technical Session 1

Chair: Tiago Carneiro
  1. Right to the City and Removal Processes in Sao Paulo: Multidimensional Indexes of Access to Culture and Leisure
    Gabriel Marques, Giulia Matteo, Matheus Pinto, Tamara Portir, Flávia Feitosa
  2. Reproducible geospatial data science: Exploratory Data Analysis using collaborative analysis environments
    Alber Ipia, Lubia Vinhas, Gilberto Ribeiro de Queiroz, Rolf Simoes, Vitor Gomes, Luiz Fernando F. G. de Assis, Eduardo Llapa, Gilberto Camara
  3. Challenges for matching spatial data on economic activities from official and alternative sources
    Rodrigo Wenceslau, Clodoveu Davis, Rodrigo Smarzaro
  4. Pauliceia 2.0: A Computational Platform for Collaborative Historical Research
    Karine Ferreira, Luis Ferla, Gilberto Queiroz, Nandamudi Vijaykumar, Carlos Noronha

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Keynote Address

Chair: Jorge Campos
The Era of Big Spatial Data

Ahmed Eldawy
Computer Science and Engineering Department - University of California Riverside - USA

The explosion in the amount of spatial data in the recent years urged researchers to build specialized systems for big spatial data. This talk will describe the challenges associated with big spatial data processing and the opportunities in the emerging big data technology. At the beginning, it will talk about recent advance in big data technology and the special needs for geography and other spatial applications. After that, it will delve into the details of the spatial indexing, spatial query processing, and spatial visualization. Finally, interesting open problems and future directions will be given to assist current and future researchers in the area of big spatial data. /td>

12:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:20 Technical Session 2

Chair: Carlos Alberto Felgueiras
  1. Segmentation of optical remote sensing images for detecting homogeneous regions in space and time
    Wanderson Costa, Leila Fonseca, Thales Körting, Margareth Simoes, Hugo Bendini, Ricardo Souza
  2. A Method to Build Cloud Free Images from CBERS-4 AWFI Sensor Using Median Filtering
    Laercio Namikawa
  3. VisGL: an Online Tool for Visualization of Bivariate Georeferenced Data
    Tarsus Pinheiro, Claudio Esperança
  4. Simultaneous multi-source and multi-temporal land cover classification using Compound Maximum Likelihood classification
    Mariane Souza Reis, Luciano Vieira Dutra, Maria Isabel S. Escada

15:20-16:00 Short poster pitch

Lightning (3 to 4 minutes) call for visitation to the poster session
Chair: Clodoveu Davis
  1. Correlação entre o rendimento da soja e os dados de estiagem utilizando dados EVI/Modis na região centro do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul − BR
    Pâmela Pithan, Manoel Júnior, Elódio Sebem
  2. Classificação Semi-automática de áreas Queimadas com o uso de Redes Neurais
    Ronaldo Andrade, Olga Bittencourt, Fabiano Morelli, Rafael Santos
  3. Sensoriamento Remoto como Análise da Expansão Urbana e a Relação com áreas de Preservação Permanente na sede do município de Castanhal-PA
    Thais Sousa, Erlen Almeida, Yuri Dias, Thiago Souza, Bruna Pontes
  4. Utilização de dados de altimetria para o fornecimento de rotas acessíveis para cadeirantes
    Guilherme Barczyszyn, Nádia Kozievitch, Rodrigo Minetto, Ricardo Silva, Juliana de Santi
  5. OpenStreetMap: Quality assessment of Brazil’s collaborative geographic data over ten years
    Gabriel Medeiros, Maristela Holanda, Aleteia Araujo, Marcio Victorino
  6. Towards a query language for spatiotemporal data based on a formal algebra
    Carlos Romani, Gilberto Câmara, Gilberto Ribeiro Queiroz, Karine Reis Ferreira, Lubia Vinhas
  7. Geographic Information Extraction using Natural Language Processing in Wikipedia Texts
    Edson Lima, Clodoveu Davis
  8. Geração automática de script SQL para restrições de integridade topológicas utilizando o perfil GeoProfile
    Vinícius Sperandio, Sérgio Stempliuc, Thiago Ferreira, Jugurta Lisboa-Filho
  9. Comparação de Desempenho na Indexação de Big Geospatial Data em Ambiente de Nuvem Computacional
    Joao Bachiega, Marco Reis, Maristela Holanda, Aleteia Araujo

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-18:30 Short course

Big Earth Observation Data Analytics

Gilberto Ribeiro de Queiroz, Rolf Simões, Vitor Gomes
Image Processing Division, DPI - National Institute for Space Research, INPE, Brazil

There has been a significant recent effort to develop methods to analyse big Earth observation data and build databases for large image sets. The new big EO data sets allow researchers to analyse dense time series of satellite data and then use the results to describe how changes happen. This tutorial will describe recent results on methods for management and analysis of large EO data sets. We will discuss data store in array databases, web services for big EO data, and machine learning methods for land use and land cover classification of satellite image time series. The course will use a hands-on approach, with examples and applications developed in the R open source environment.

19:00-23:00 Social Event

Tuesday, December 5th

08:30-09:50 Technical Session 3

Chair: Laércio Namikawa
  1. Learning spatial inequalities: a clustering approach
    Juliana Siqueira-Gay, Mariana Giannotti, Monika Sester
  2. Modeling and visualization of uncertainties of categorical spatial data using geostatistics, 3D planar projections and color fusion techniques
    Carlos Felgueiras, Jussara Ortiz, Eduardo Camargo, Laércio Namikawa, Thales Körting
  3. Plataforma VGI para Auxílio à Navegação de Deficientes Visuais
    Igor Cruz, Cláudio Campelo, Cláudio Baptista
  4. Computational System for Monitoring and Risk Analysis Based on TerraMA2 to Ouro Preto City
    Ricardo Ramos, Marconi Pereira, Tales Oliveira, Heraldo Pitanga

09:50-10:20 Demo pitch

Chair: Cláudio Campelo
  1. ClickOnMap 2.0: uma Plataforma para Desenvolvimento ágil de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica Voluntária (VGI)
    Jean Câmara, Rafael Pereira, Wagner Souza, Jugurta Lisboa-Filho
  2. Aplicação Android para auxílio à navegação de Deficientes Visuais
    Igor Cruz, Cláudio Campelo, Cláudio Baptista
  3. edpMGB: um editor SaaS para o Perfil de Metadados Geoespaciais do Brasil
    Vitor Dias, Marcos Montanari, Layane Loti, Jugurta Lisboa-Filho
  4. TerraMA2Q - Monitoramento de queimadas com a plataforma TerraMA2
    Jano Simas, Fabiano Morelli, Alberto Setzer, Eymar Lopes, Gilberto Queiroz
  5. BDQueimadas - Banco de Dados de Queimadas
    Jean Souza, Fabiano Morelli, Alberto Setzer, Gilberto Queiroz
  6. ClickOnMap Mobile: Aplicativo Móvel de Coleta de Informações em Tempo Real para Múltiplos Sistemas de VGI
    Zoárd Geöcze, Lucas Vegi, Rafael Pereira, Jugurta Lisboa-Filho
  7. TerraME 2.0
    Pedro Andrade, Tiago Carneiro, Rodrigo Avancini
  8. A Framework for Trajectory Data Mining
    Diego Monteiro, Karine Ferreira, Rafael Santos, Pedro Andrade
  9. Sistema on-line para visualização de perfis temporais de índices vegetativos de imagens MODIS
    Júlio César D. M. Esquerdo, Alexandre C. Coutinho, Jo&atild;o F. G. Antunes

10:20-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30 Keynote Address

Chair: Gilberto Ribeiro
Challenges in Urban Computing

Clodoveu A. Davis Jr
Computer Science Department - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

In the days of urban GIS projects, in the early nineties, there was much discussion about data conversion and geographic database creation. There was the need to adequately represent components of the many systems that compose a modern city. Actors such as the local government and utility companies were predominant in these efforts, which pioneered the integration of geographic information to corporate systems.
Current discussions on the importance of cities and on the need to improve their internal systems take for granted the wide availability of basic GIS data. There is now the need to explore new (and big) sources of data, such as environmental sensors and mobile devices. Crowdsourcing and crowdsensing are an integral part of this scenario, either using volunteered contributions or passive data extraction from social networks, regardless of bias and coverage deficiencies.
Urban computing connects all types of sensing technologies and methods to advanced data management and analysis, in order to tackle the main issues that cities face, seeking more efficient urban systems, and measuring impact in terms of improved quality of life for citizens. Through urban computing problems, Computer Science achievements and advancements in areas such as data integration, management, and analytics are put to the test, when faced with a continuous set of complex situations and the need for quick responses to problems.
The talk discusses the numerous challenges that present themselves for the advancement of urban computing. A special attention is given to particular problems faced by Brazilian cities, regarding data availability and integration.

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:20 Technical Session 4

Chair: Jugurta Lisboa Filho
  1. A Statistical Method for Detecting Move, Stop and Noise Episodes in Trajectories
    Tales Paiva Nogueira, Hervé Martin, Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade
  2. Optimization of New Pick-up and Drop-off Points for Public Transportation
    Cristiano Martins Monteiro, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro Martins, Clodoveu Davis
  3. How Reliable is the Traffic Information Gathered from Web Map Services?
    Alan de Lima, Jorge Campos
  4. GIS4Graph: a tool for analyzing (geo)graphs applied to study efficiency in a street network
    Aurelienne Jorge, Márcio Rossato, Roberta Bacelar, Leonardo Santos

15:20-16:40 Long coffee break: posters and demos interactive session

16:40-18:00 Technical Session 5

Chair: Júlio César D. M. Esquerdo
  1. Evaluation of the Image Quality Index in Mosaics
    Pedro Almeida, Joel Rosa, Selma Ribeiro, Luciano Senger
  2. An algebra for modeling and simulation of continuous spatial changes
    André Amâncio, Tiago Carneiro
  3. Spectral normalization between Landsat-8/OLI, Landsat-7/ETM+ and CBERS-4/MUX bands through linear regression and spectral unmixing
    Rennan Marujo, Leila Fonseca, Thales Körting, Hugo Bendini
  4. Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques For the Estimation of Climate Missing Data in the State of Minas Gerais
    Lucas Bayma, Marconi Pereira

18:00-18:30 Special demo: Alexander Zipf

  • OSM related web services for data quality assessment and routing from The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
    Chair: Cláudio Campelo

    18:30-19:00 Lightning talks

    Chair: Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

    Wednesday, December 6th

    08:30-09:50 Technical Session 6

    Chair: Thales Körting
    1. TerraClass x MapBiomas: Comparative assessment of legend and mapping agreement analysis
      Alana Neves, Thales Körting, Leila Fonseca, Gilberto Queiroz, Lúbia Vinhas, Karine Ferreira, Maria Isabel Escada
    2. Um ambiente para análise exploratória de grandes volumes de dados geoespaciais: explorando risco de fogo e focos de queimadas
      Vitor Gomes, Gilberto Queiroz, Karine Ferreira, Luciane Sato, Rafael Santos, Fabiano Morelli
    3. A System Embedded in Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Vigor Analysis of Vegetation
      Joanacelle Caldas, Renato Constantino, Tiago Nascimento, Alisson Brito
    4. Remote Sensing Image Information Mining applied to Burnt Forest Detection in the Brazilian Amazon
      Mikhaela Pletsch, Thales Körting

    09:50-10:20 Coffee break

    10:20-11:40 Technical Session 7

    Chair: Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade
    1. Dinâmica fluvial do rio Amazonas entre Manaus e Itacoatiara com o uso de imagens de satélite
      Ericka Oliveira, Rogério Marinho
    2. Detecção automática de corpos hídricos em imagens Sentinel-2: uma análise da integração do algoritmo Fmask aos índices espectrais NDWI e MNDWI
      Thales Penha, Mikhaela Pletsch, Celso Silva Junior, Thales Körting, Leila Fonseca
    3. Use of Spatial Visualization for Patterns Discovery in Evapotranspiration Estimation
      Fernando Xavier, Maria Luíza Correa Brochado
    4. Exploring the relationship between Landsat-8/OLI remote sensing reflectance and optically active components in the surface water at the UHE Maua/PR
      Adriana C de Freitas Pereira, Evlyn M.L. de Moraes Novo, Jaqueline A. Raminelli

    11:40-12:00 Closing Session

    12:00-12:30 GeoInfo 2018 and Special SBC Geoinformatics Committee Meeting

  • GEOINFO 2017